Monday, October 09, 2006

A Bizzare Movie

Well, due to free time I had, cuz I finished my work early and everything fine at the worksite. I managed to watch an interesting movie, I think its an indy movie from japan. It's one sided story of a man and his relationship with others.

He got a very cozy gang of 5 people, a shady masculine man, a cheerfull lady, one nerds type character, himself and one narcistic leader type who thankfully very wise enough although really stupid. He's also just finished his college education. He was thinking becoming artist but got big problem with his parents, whom want him to join his smart big brother and manage his father business, owning several supermarket chains. He got this cute lady as a neighbour and his chidhood bestfriend who his trust completly and become his place to tell everything about his life. He also got a girlfriend who become his love life but everything always become trouble with her. Small talk become huge fight and their relationship was twinkling like stars. His lovely little brother still in the high school and got problems with drugs, but their parents always overlooked his mistakes which is different with him. He always feel become his family scape goat.

Well anyway, almost half of the storyline pictured his life and then problem occured on by one, escalated from small one into a big one. One time he had to choose between his gangs and his parents, other between the two with his girl friend. Until everything is crumble around him. His friends leave him one by one to find another life. His lovely little brother sent away abroad by his parents. His respected big brother was cracked somehow, he understand that his big brother was not perfect at all. He was cut off by his family because marrying a woman who is not aproved by his parents. So now, every hope and his parents dreams weighed on the main character shoulder. And so on, every problems come around him until he got forced to get married, and have to choose... Well, there is only two important woman in his life, his trusted nighbour friend and beloved troubled girlfriend....

And then the best part of this Jap movie is... the movie end when he got to choose.... really a crap movie..! but it does made me think though... If I had to choose, which one I will take? A troubled beloved girlfriend, who is someone you really love but somehow made everything near her driving you crazy and become problems for your realtionship? or a trusted bestfriend who you really care (not love) and somehow become your other half (this reminds me to a sitcom called "friends", bah... tho it's funny but full of crap!)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My role (so far...)

I already said this already that we have our role to play in this world... well to conclude everything up... these are my play so far, according to these people... [this based on their reaction everytime I talk to them off course...]

1. My Mum : Loveable-no-good-first-son-who-always-make-her-cried-out-loud-every-morning.
2. My Siblings : Boring-lazy-brother-who-always-butt-in-for-a-perfect-wrong-time-and-places.
3. My Dad : [ugh... somehow ...never know what happened in his mind... so I played like number one]
4. My Guy Friends : Bad-poker-face-who-always-lost-in-card-play-and-a-passive-smoker-who-isn't-supply-ciggaretes-anymore.
5. My Gal Friends : Bad-relationship-advisor-who-willingly-listening-to-their-problem-because-I-got-no-clue-at-all-of-what-they-talking-about. [a perfect listener, probably this is the only reason why they still talk to me...]
6. Someone who newly meet [Guy] : A-complete-silent-wacko-idiot-who-grin-a-lot.
7. Someone who newly meet [Gal] : A-nice-and-funny-chubby-guy. (read: just another regular guy...) [Don't ask anything about attracting them with my sex appeal. Never worked before and never will I guess...] [yet... It doesn't stopped me to do silly things around them just to get their attention...]
8. My Mum's Friends : Free-driver-and-someone-who-potentially-married-to-their-relatives. [This is the best part so far... until they manage to see the "other" part of me ...]
9. My Girlfriend (s?) : [Now for some reason I don't dare to look to her heart, I just too scared of what it will comes up with...]

Well anyway don't take this seriously ok? this supposed tobe a joke though...

Monday, August 21, 2006

a New Message

God is really trying to mock me around, cause he kept sending me message like the first message frim Him I learned, through death of people around me. Yup, He is the one who know me inside out when I even don't recognize who I really am. Sometimes I even wonder whether I have to thanked Him or cursed Him for troubles He was gotten me into. But somehow when I realized I'm that I learned a greater good from those event I thank Him and feel glad that I'm still thinking this way.

But today I learned His messages through other means. When I saw my tiny 2 months old cousin and got a chance to teasing him around I feel something different. I don't know was it call as paternal instinct or not, but he was the first babies who yawning every time I play with. Well mostly children and babies were scared with me with I don't know what reason. So when it happens I just felt strange...

After that event everything flashes back in my head, from the death message or another kind of message which probably I missed. Ugh... really it suck (in a good way...) for someway, everytime I think of it, I often felt God really see my life as a sitcom series with He (offcourse...) as its director. Is my life a curse? :P

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Independence No No No...

The word "independence day" now days just meaningless sound party of rag race or chips-eating race on the backyard of my nighborhood. I still can see people eating rice leftover as their one-meal-a-day and make me feel really, really guilty having an overweight body with no capabilities to help all of them. Often I was thinking to adapt and accept the way of how everything done here, earn a sum of money to help everyone I can, but my foolish pride combined with incurable stubborness I had refused to do that. Probably Im just naive and hipocrite but the feeling I had inside are real and sometimes tears just dropped unwillingly. I hope I can face them and say to them that we are already free, but how can you said things that you're even doesn't believed in to?

Too many luggage on my back before I said I'm free. I hope I can be that person who can smile after his house are destroyed. I hoped I can be that person who had confidence to look to others eyes and said "don't worry everything is gonna be okay" while everthing around them are crumbling apart. Ohh, when this time comes I wished I was someone else.

I just a coward, too scared to do anything for those needy people. Hell... I even never gave any when one of them asked me. I keep telling myself that I trained them to have more courage in this life while myself is hiding in fear of the same thing. I know I said idiotic lines and lie to myself that I can do it. and now everything become shackles to my souls.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The reasons

"I understand why I love her so much, but I cannot move forward until I know the reasons why she love me too."

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Cinta lagi

"Playing love and politic are alike, you have to say the words without really say them and make sure the opposite party get the impressions you want them to see. And for some reasons I dislike doing politic cause manipulating, mostly people, are what it does. Guess you can say playing also love is not my field, but it doesn't mean I hate to love someone, it's just I like it plain and simple, like my coffee in the morning, but like the world saying, you can never have what you really want..., right?"

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bencana Lagi...

Bencana lagi...,
Gempa 5.9 RS menguncang Yogyakarta, dan ini memang benar2 suatu bencana. Saat ini terjadi, semua mata orang tertuju pada bahaya Wedhus Gembel-nya Merapi di Utara. Tapi rencana Tuhan memang ngga ada seekor makhluk pun yang tahu. Kalo udah gini, suka inget ayat2 terakhir dari surah Yasin jadinya.

Lebih dari 5000 nyawa manusia melayang, nyawa makhluk lain juga, tapi ga tau berapa banyak. Total kerugian materi katanya sih sampai triliunan lebih, tapi yang ini ga terlalu berarti kalau dibandingkan keadaan moril dari para penduduk yang terkena bencana. Katanya sih yang bikin korban sebanayak itu, gara-gara kejadiannya jam 6 pagi, hari sabtu pula, saat orang2 sedang tidur yang paling nikmat sehabis sembahyang subuh di penghujung minggu, saat orang ga pergi kerja. Coba kalo gempanya datang waktu hari kerja, saat jam kerja pula, mungkin jumlah korban ngga sampe segitunya kali.

Tapi gua bilang sih, ini emang udah suratan yang diatas, udah jadi kepastian kalo 'waktu' dari orang2 itu sudah habis di muka bumi. Cuman yang selalu jadi "pertanyaan" orang2 tuh, caranya yang diatas manggil mereka, ko gini? ko gitu? Yang kita bisa lakukan sebagai orang2 yang ditinggalkan adalah mengambil hikmah yang baik dari segala kejadian yang ada.

Seperti misalnya, program management bencana dari pemerintah yang terbukti amburadul, ngga terkoordinasi dengan baik dan engga dipercaya oleh masyarakat, sampai2 Presiden SBY harus berkantor di Yogyakarta segala. Padahal harusnya mereka belajar banyak sewaktu terjadi bencana Tsunami di Aceh. Ditambah lagi sosialisasi tentang "precaution act" yang harus diambil saat menghadapi bencana sama sekali ngga ada, padahal kita ini hidup di daerah yang rawan bencana.

Kalo mau ngebandingin, di Jepang anak2 SD udah diajarin apa yang harus dilakukan kalo gempa datang. Berlindung dibawah meja kek, berbaring disebelah lemari atau apalah. Di negara2 lain rutin diadakan latihan buat menghadapi bencana misalnya kebakaran. Sebulan sekali mereka buat 'fake fire alarm' ditiap gedung buat ngetes respon orang2 yang didalamnya, biar nanti kalo ada kebakaran beneran, insting mereka jalan, dan mereka bisa memperbesar kemungkinan mereka selamat. Nah... seharusnya praktek semacam ini harus diadakan di Indonesia.

Tapi yahh... gua disini cuman bisa ngomong doang, dan ngeluh doang. Ngga enak jadinya dan gua juga ngerasa agak ngga adil cuman bisa nyalahin pemerintah terus2an. Pingin rasanya ikutan berbicara, ngatur dan didenger sama orang2 berkuasa sana. Yang gua bisa sekarang lakuin cuman berharap dan berdoa semoga pemerintah bisa ngertiin masalah kecil kaya ginian.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

2 blogs? Penting gituh?

Itu yang gua denger waktu bilang kalo gua punya dua blog. Emang sih kalo dipikir2, rada garing juga... dan juga boros, tapi pemisahan ini penting loh.... meski waktu pelaksanaannya kadang2 ketuker ...hihihihi.... :D

Anyway, alasan pertama kalo blog gua ada dua tiada lain dan tiada bukan adalah utility. Jadi satu blog isinya cerita melulu, sedangkan blog lain gua isi dengan puisi... kenapa puisi? ya suka2 gue dong! kebeneran aja waktu gua bikin gua lagi hot - hotnya bikin puisi. Biasalah orang lagi jatuh cinta! ...hehehe... dan sekarang setelah cintanya hilang, puisi2 "bagus" yang gua bikin juga ngilang begitu aja...!

Ya sodara2... itulah kehebatan suatu cinta... membius dan bisa bikin orang berkhayal macem2. Ibarat mabok ganja tapi ga bener2 mabok... makanya biasanya kalo orang patah hati suka ngeganja, biar dapet efek bius yang sama... Ini kata orang2 yang patah cinta terus ngeganja lho! Terus terang saja gua snediri belum pernah bakar ganja, dengan alasan ekonomi dan safety, karena tempat anak2 ngeganja biasanya di mobil gua, otomatis gua jadi sopirnya, oleh karena itu harus ada yang nganterin mereka pulang dong! Jadi gua berkorban, muas2in cuman ngisep asep bakaran lintingan anak2 doang... kampret!

And then, alesan kedua adalah efisiensi. kenapa efisiensi? abis biasanya kalo puisi tuh pendek2 dan buat "curhat cerpen" isinya bisa manjang sambil ngga jelas juntrungannya. Maklum karena penulis bukan penulis aseli, yang dididik untuk menulis, tapi cuman buat ngebuang rasa BeTe dan pemikiran aneh ...bukan jorok... yang lagi datang melanda kalbu... cieeee! Dan entah kenapa ko ini makin sering aja terjadi.... Sial! Kaya sekarang misalnya....

Sekarang waktu sudah terlalu malam buat mata yang selalu sayu ini terbuka.... ngantuk berat coy! So nanti kalo kepikiran alesan laen, gua catet dah....

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Oh My God... That was me?

Reuni! Hahaha... almost seminggu lebih setelah lebaran, aku pergi ke pesta reuni SD...! Ini benar-benar pengalaman yang aneh yang memalukan dan sekaligus menyenangkan. Kenapa? Ternyata pas selagi disana aku sama sekali lupa akan wajah dan nama-nama mereka. Dari sekitar 70-orang yang seangkatan denganku, pratically hanya ada sekitar 10-15 orang yang nama dan wajahnya masih cocok di kepalaku. Sisanya? wasalam... Untungnya (aaghh... keadaan begini masih disebut beruntung pula?) postur tubuh dan wajahku tidak banyak berubah, walhasil, aku lebih sering disapa dengan orang-orang "asing"

"Heii... Agi ya? waduhh gimana skg?... bla...bla... (Cerita ttg kerjaan dan keluarga selama 5 menit)... Lho lupa sama gua ya? ini Edwin..! yang dulu bla...bla..."[terjemahan bebas: Gila luh sombong amat sih ni orang kaga ngenalin gua...!]

You see..., akibat mereka nyerocos kaga berhenti dan kaga ngasih kesempatan buat aku nerangin kalo Agi yang sekarang jauh berbeda dengan Agi kecil dulu yang pintar yang selalu bintang kelas, [Otak Agi yang sekarang jarang pernah diup-grade dan diup-date gara-gara kebanyakan nonton film, yang kebanyakan ngga bermutu dan baca majalah-majalah yang jelas-jelas kalo isinya betul-betul ngga jelas.], Aku "dicap" orang sombong...! Gaaahhh .... Akhirnya setelah hampir satu jam lebih nerangin dan meyakinkan mereka kalau kelakuanku tuh bukannya sombong tapi memang betul ada "short-circuit" permanen di otakku, mereka akhirnya nerima juga dan akhirnya pembicaraan bisa rada enak.[karena memang setelah ramah tamah, kita semua seangkatan pergi ke Cibungur, makan sate maranggi plus es kelapa muda... gimana engga enak?]

Yang lebih memalukan lagi, aku sama sekali lupa nama guru-guru SD yang kutemui waktu itu!... Hahaha... Pak Sidik namanya, guru Olah raga, yang kuingat tentang beliau adalah badannya kekar dengan wajah yang garang, yang ngga pernah putus-putusnya memarahiku saat pelajaran Olahraga praktek dimulai [Maklum... dari dulu sampai sekarang yang namanya physical exercise nilaiku selalu standar-standar aja, yang penting cukup buat lulus aja]. Jadi waktu ngeliat wajahnya, I know this man... but what is his name? And why all the sudden there is a "red alert" ringing in my head? Hahaha... ngga bisa inget namanya tapi inget kegalakannya...hahaha....

Tapi acara yang paling seru yaitu waktu ngeliat foto-foto yang dibuat dulu.... Oh My God... kita semua yang datang ngga berhenti2nya ketawa-ketiwi... semua orang saling tunjuk sambil bercerita tentang kejadian yang dulu terjadi. Seperti waktu mereka saling berkelahi, atau membikin pusing guru yang ada... wahhh... seru deh... Semuanya engga ketinggalan, saling cerita.... :D

Ahh.... nostalgia memang menyenangkan, dan memang semakin kita tua, semakin cepat waktu itu berjalan, tanpa terasa perjalanan sudah sampai dititik ini. Dan aku senang, saat melihat kebelakang, masih bisa tertawa dan share something dengan teman-teman lama... Senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan mereka, menyambung tali silaturahmi yang sudah terputus... Thanks Guys 'n Gals, hope can meet you all again in a better places and circumstances...

Saturday, October 29, 2005


You see... I already made up a conclusion sometime ago that everything happens in my world is all about making choice. No one can escape it, even my friend told me, if you don't choose on something it is also a choice too. But like everything happen in this normal world, ...and because I'm not a rich guy who have all the previllage available to this world..., we should (I must...) choose on one thing and leaves the other behind. And time this process, most of the time, become a pain in the ass, because after we decide on one choice, we're stuck on it's path forever. So we tried our best, in some moment, that we choose our path carefully and wisely. It's like "heaven and hell" thingy, either we'll ended up in heaven or in hell, it's as simple as that. We cannot choose stand in between heaven and hell, or we don't the option to go both to heaven and hell.

Hmm... if the last option available imagine, a transport between heaven and hell... I wonder how much they'll charge us for one trip...or worst....a conversation that could be happened between two person in that transport.... Hi there..., Hi too....Nice to meet you (smile), nice weather huh? where do you live?.... I just happened to lived up on heaven blok 2450D, and you?... Oh... me? I just lived down there, in block 0789C, ... so can I heve your number please?

So choose wisely...

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